Friday, May 30, 2014

Hoot - Chapter 16

In at least 5 complete sentences, describe what you think will happen next. Be sure to explain why.


  1. I think that roy will go with mallet finger and he will go to fair. Then curly will see more and more thing happen to the site. then roy will get hurt and he might get left behind. Then mullet fingers will go to fair and get out of control. Then he will get picked up by the cops.

  2. I think Beatrice and Mullet Fingers and Roy will get what they want and save the owls and look in the permits to see what they can do about it.
    I also think that Dana will get a fine and become a prisoner because he has a record of doing bad stuff. I think Mullet Fingers is not a criminal he was just a messed up kid because of his parents.

  3. I think that Mullet Fingers will end up saving the owls without getting in trouble. First he will get Chuck Muckle to move Aunt Paula’s to a different location. Then Roy and Beatrice will help save the owls. Finally the police will understand that Mullet Fingers only did the crime to help the environment but will still keep Dana Matherson in jail for all of the stuff on his record. That is what I think will happen next.

  4. I think that they will do what Roy said they should do at the end of chapter 16, and that’s help Mullet FIngers with the vandalization of the construction site. Which I think will either get Roy,Beatrice and Mullet Fingers all in trouble, or it will cause Curly to get fired from his job due to the many,many delays of the Mother Paula’s pancake house.
    I also think that Dana will get out of Juvenile Detention and go after and hurt Roy worse than ever for framing him. Which will probably either result in the police having to separate them or an all out brawl.
    That’s what I think will happen throughout the rest of the book!

  5. I think that Dana Matherson will go to juvie for trespassing onto Curlys property. I think Roy will figure out a way with Mullet fingers to help stop them for bulldozing Curly’s property for mother Paula’s pancake house. I think Curly should have a gun to protect his property but should not hurt anybody. Officer Delinko will take Dana Matherson to court and see if he is guilty. I think Beatrice will help Roy and Mullet fingers out to stop the bulldozing.

  6. I think after chapter 16 it’s going to get harder for them to save the owls. I think that because now there’s going to be three of them working together and now they have to learn all the techniques he uses. Anyway,I think each of them with have their own special abilities, like Beatrice will be able to use her strength to easily break, lift, and probably climb things. Roy will probably be a good climber too for his height and weight, but I also think he can help get supplies and help with planning. Mullet Fingers is good at running and catching wild animals like cotton mouth moccasins, he’s also great at planning when to do things.

  7. What I think will happen next is roy,beatrice, and mullet fingers, will start and all out war against the construction workers so they won't build on the owl's den. While in the process of trying to save the owls. I think he is going to have a few run-in’s with the law.But while having his dad in law enforcement he is going to be able to get out of trouble.I also think that dana is going to come back for revenge, and the group of kids are going to come out on top in the battle of the owl’s. :[)
