Monday, March 3, 2014

Ben's Dilemma

At the end of Chapter 13, we find out some very personal information about Dallas; she shares her deepest secret with Ben.  She also says she "hates secrets" and Ben knows that he needs to tell Dallas his deepest secret.  Explain how you believe Ben is going to tell Dallas?  4-5 sentences minimum.


  1. I think he is going to say when ben and dalis is in his pickup. Then she will freak out at first and come to keep it safe. then she might tell her son that and ben might say something at gradation on stage. then the whole town will know at the end of his life.

  2. Ben is getting closer and closer to his death and so far he has told NOBODY. However I think he will end up telling his girlfriend Dallas Suzuki about his upcoming death. Dallas will probably be so sad that her boyfriend is dying she will probably be stuck in her room crying for a month. She would do that because they have been really close to each other and they were thinking of spending the rest of their life with each other and now that Ben is dying it would just come to an end. That is how Dallas will take the fact that her boyfriend is getting close to death

  3. Ben is going to tell Dallas about him dying sometime because she hates secrets. I think once Ben tells Dallas that he is dying she probably would cry, because she was tearing up when she told Ben that She got pregnant from her uncle and Joe Henry is her son. I also think that she will support Ben in whatever he is thinking, and understanding him once he tells her. I don’t think their relationship will fall apart because they tell each other everything.

  4. I think that ben like any other boyfriend is going to try to tell her that he is dying easy .But the problem is that she hates secrets and he is dying so he can't wait any longer. I’m not sure though how she is going to react to him dying.

  5. I think Ben will tell Dallas that he is dieing because he is really into her and he really likes her. I think Dallas will probably be emotional but she is a tough girl through her hard times in life right now with getting pregnant and having a Child when she was only in her late teens. I also think that Ben will probably not die and get treated for thearpy and will get better so he can spend the rest of his life with her.


  6. Now that Ben know’s Dalla’s secret about her being raped by her uncle Joe Henry being her son. Ben is now just deciding whether he should tell Dallas about how he doesn’t have long to life given he just told her he would never leave her side. I think that Ben is eventually going to tell Dallas but at a very bad time and she will become very exasperated with him and become very sad and depressed. Than she will eventually forgive him when the time comes where he is in his hospital and is knocking at death's door and giving up his ghost. In that situation Dallas should forgive him lying to her the whole time but will still be very sad.
