Monday, January 27, 2014

Too Cold For School?

If it is 40 below wind-chill tomorrow, should school be cancelled?  Answer in this format:  TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, Closer


  1. TS: I think we should not have school tomorrow.

    SD: First of all, because Elementary kids get to go outside for recess.

    Elab: Face it, They would freeze to death outside. They are just little kids. Why should they be forced to freeze to death?

    SD: Lastly because a lot of the high school kids who have cars do not wear jackets.

    Elab: If you are not wearing a jacket out there in the cold. They would even be colder than the elementary school kids.

    Closer: That is why they should cancel school tomorrow.

  2. TS I think school should be cancelled if the temperature is -40*.
    SD The first reason is you would have to make up classes.
    Elab Making up classes or work is bad because it is stressful and to much thinking.
    SD The second reason is the roads would be icy and slippery.
    Elab Icy and slippery roads are dangerous because you could get into a crash or go in the ditch.
    Closer I think school should be closed tomorrow due to the weather.

  3. TS Because the wind chill is below -40 therefore we shouldn't have school.

    SD The first reason is the buses will not start.
    ELAB The buses run on diesel fuel and the diesel has a lower freezing point.

    SD Then the second reason is for all the kids walking to school.
    ELAB The kid walking to school is bad because they could get frostbite.

    Closer This is why i think kid should not come to school on them days .

  4. TS: There are two reasons why school should be canceled if it is 40 below wind chill.

    SD: The first reason would have to be that it would be dangerous for cars.

    ELAB: It would be dangerous outside because the roads would be icy, and probably no cars would be able to drive on them.

    SD: The last reason would be it would be dangerous for kids.

    ELAB: It would be dangerous for kids because they would have to stand in the extreme cold waiting for the bus to pick them up for school.

    CLOSER: These are the things that we shouldn’t have school.

  5. Ts: There are 3 reasons why I think we shouldn’t have school tomorrow.

    Sd: The first reason is because of cars with diesel breaking down.

    Elab: This a major problem because buses and some cars run on diesel and diesel can freeze up and the car will break down when it’s started back up, making this very dangerous not only for bus drivers but student a on the bus as well.

    Sd: The second reason is people who walk to school

    Elab: This is almost as bad as the diesel situation because some people walk to school from past shopko down the street and that would be both extremely cold and hurt at the same time, possibly even deadly.

    Sd: The third reason is having time off a school and having fun.

    Elab: Don’t lie you’ve probably prayed to God at night asking for school to cancelled before and you’ll probably do it again because let’s face it have time a day away from school to stay home and play xbox is awesome, which all that play time would compensate for the next day when you have to make up all that homework.

    Closer: These are the reasons I think being off of school on a day that’s 40 degrees below has far more positive repercussions than negative repercussions.

  6. T.S If it was 40o below wind chill tomorrow I think school should be cancelled.
    S.D The first reason is some kids have to wait at the bus stop.
    Elab The kids waiting at the bus stop would be cold, freezing, and because of the wind the kids faces would frostbite as well as their feet and hands.
    S.D The second reason is there most likely will be icy roads.
    Elab Icy roads would cause a danger because cars could slip and wreck into other vehicles and if semis get hit just right with the wind they could start flipping and crushing other cars.
    Closer. This is why I think school should be cancelled in 40o wind chill tomorrow.

  7. if it was forty below wind chill tomorrow i would be cold enough to the point where i wouldn't go to school never the less actually get out of bed its so cold. so in my opinion yes i feel school should be canceled
    one of my reasons would be because the roads would be one slick sheet of ice and it would be a very unsafe situation for the bus company and the kids riding the bus.
    my second reason why school school should be canceled is that most cars can't even start never the less operate correctly in those kind of conditions.those are my reasons why i feel that they should cancel school if its -40 wind chill.
