Tuesday, January 14, 2014



After reading this article, respond to ALL 3 of these writing prompts (1 paragraph each):
 - Why do you think the dropout rate is so high?  Reflect.
 - What might schools do to lower the dropout rate?
 - Pick one (or more) statistic from this article and reflect


  1. Why I think the dropout rate is so High in America is because we rely on technology when it comes to homework and other things. Unlike other places in the world like Japan, they do not necessarily use technology in schools like computers and other necessities that America uses for stuff like research which can be for resourceful at times but it's morely a distraction overall due to online social medias and entertainment websites like YouTube,Facebook,Twitter,HallPass, Etc. Another reason why Japan is so high in the charts is because of the fact that they do not have the No child left behind policy. The No child left behind policy in my opinion is not a very good idea when it comes to schooling at all. I believe this because this gives children the idea that hey I don't have to put much effort into school and I'll still pass, but when they get to High School they are slammed with Credits and different kinds of classes which can resume to be quite difficult if they did poorly in their previous schools. That is if they still think that the No Child policy will still work on them in throughout High School.
    America needs a better and more systematic approach to educational improvement. To see what this kind of effort would like, consider that any kind of educational Job from anywhere from Math to Biology uses the following four components of human capability: attracting, selecting, training and retaining the people who work in that profession of knowledge. That provides effective organizational structures and a overall performance of management and accountability. Every kind of teaching Job needs to learn from these four elements. More preferably that these professions work together under these elements. These are the reasons why I think that America's education system is so low and how I think we can solve the problem. Either the teachers work together or we stay low on the education charts. Trust me there it will take much more than a Deus Ex Machina(sudden or unexpected solution to a problem) to solve this problem.

  2. I think that students drop out of high school so much because they are failing. They are failing because they are not getting the help that they need. they are not getting the help that they need because teachers are often too busy after school to help students outside of class because it is not always easy to get help during class because teachers teach during class. that is why the dropout rate is so high.

    To lower the Dropout rate, students need to be better at getting help when they need it. So maybe students could see teachers after school more often. That way they would quit failing and not need to Drop Out. Failing is usually the number one reason kids drop out.

    According to Jason M. Breslow, The average Dropout can expect to earn an annual income of $20,241. That’s $10,386 less that a High School graduate and $36,424 less than someone with a bachelors degree. Also, According to CBS news correspondent Bill Whitaker, four million students who enter high school every year, 1 million students will drop out before graduation. That's 7,000 students every school day and one student drops out every 26 seconds. To me that is shocking because think how much little money dropout’s make, they probably won’t be able to pay their taxes sooner or later and we all know that just causes trouble with the law.

  3. I think the drop out is so high because the kids who drop out are most likely getting a bad grade in all of their classes. Then they don't know how to ask for help in the right way. The teacher will not be able to answer their question. They get hopeless to bring their grade up so they gave up.

    The school could make sure the kids are getting the right stuff they need to be successful. They can make some class work into a game lighten the mood. They can make the school look good so it doesn't look like you're going to a place that not going to fall over if you slam your locker.They could have a break in the middle of class like 5 mins move around and get a drink.

    They earn a full 10k less than a high school graduate. That a lot of money because thats like almost a cheap new car.
    The dropout will cost taxpayer 292,000 then they won't buy goods. The people not getting through high school.

  4. Why do you think the dropout rate is so high? Reflect. I think the dropout rate is so high is because most states kids aren’t tested until the 1st grade. Alabama is one of the states that don’t test kids for ADHD, Autism, even schizophrenia until the 5th grade. So kids by then are already giving up and they don’t know what to do with themselves and they’re constantly overwhelmed by the amount of work and knowledge they’ve lost over that time and have to try to regain. There’s always the rare chance in the state of Alabama the parents will actually fight for the child to get get tested by a doctor and fight for the child’s education.

    What might schools do to lower the dropout rate? I think they can get the kids tested for learning disabilities so they can work on hand with the children and use different learning techniques for each individual child. They could also have extended learning for the children in the morning and have it after school so the child gets one on one with the teacher and make his or her life easier in school. They could add different classes the children could take like art or computer design so the child has something to look forward to. The last thing in my opinion is to change test and things for the child’s understanding by using different words or a different pattern to make less stressful and also they could change the child's environment in school like have him or her a separate area of the classroom during tests or have it where they can go to a secluded where he or she could take a moment to calm down and return to class.

    Pick one (or more) statistic from this article and reflect. “That’s 7,000 every school day--one dropout every 26 seconds.” This doesn’t shock me because the dropout rate in the southern region is pretty high. The way the economy is going downhill as of now why would the teacher’s want to try to teach the kid’s? I’m also not shocked because the teaching methods don’t always work for the kid’s. They kinda just give you things and expect you to just know it, it’s pretty pathetic the way the education is in different states.It shouldn’t be any different but, I believe people are taught different ways and some of those ways are to give up and some of those ways are to never quit but most kids choose to give up because it’s easier.

  5. i think the main reason kids drop out of highschool is because of gangs and because they feel there is plenty of other things to do.they also leave because they feel its too hard and they have no support that is what normally leads to drugs, gang violence and and kids ending up in jail at a young age.

    what they can do to help make sure kids stay in school is to make laws against kids dropping out at a certain ages.like now the the age to drop out is 18 years old. the school should offer more extra curricular activities to lure kids away from gangs.

    did you know the country's sixth largest school district, about one of every 3 students fail to graduate. High school dropouts also earn $10,000 less a year than workers with diplomas. they are also more likely to be incarcerated. i feel that is crazy that a kid would make a decision like that instead of finishing high school.

  6. I think the dropout rate is so high because high school dropouts earn about $10,000 less a year than workers with diplomas. That’s $300 billion in lost earnings every year. They’re more likely to be unemployed. 15 percent are out of work versus a national average of 9.4 percent. A dropout will end up costing taxpayers an average of $292,000 over a lifetime due to the price tag. They also are more likely to be incarcerated.

    The way that the teachers are teaching. They could have students put in different classes. They could have extended learning at the beginning of school and at the end of school, so students can catch up with their homework. They could put more classes in the schedule and let the students pick like art, and like sports. They could reorganize the test.

    $292,000 is what the dropout costs taxpayers. That is a lot of money that the dropout cost taxpayers.

  7. I think the drop out rate is so high because people quit and failing classes they didn't like that much. Dropping out of high school is a big decision because you more likely not get a job because you are not in high school anymore. I also think the drop out rate is high because people struggle and some of the teachers and students don't care about what they Do and want anymore. I also think that high school is a harder place it harder than middle school I think but that's my opinion.
    I think school will do what's best for there student and get them help when they need it. Get more education and get more homework for students and people. I also think they should get more classes for people who struggle with things.
    One statistic 12 because
