Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Favorite Character

Who is your favorite character in The Contender?  You must include evidence from the book in your essay.  Use this format:  TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, Closer.


  1. TS: My favorite character would have to be Alfred.

    SD: The first reason is that he stood up for himself when Major almost hurt him with the knife.

    ELAB: Alfred stood up for himself because he was gaining confidence for himself.

    SD: The 2nd reason is that he became a fighter.

    ELAB: Major punched Alfred because he didn’t tell them about the new alarm for the epsteins and he ran to Mr.Donatelli’s gym to become a fighter.

    SD: The last reason is that Alfred tried to stay away from Major.

    ELAB: Alfred tried to stay away from Major because Major told him that they were going to steal the money out of the Epstein’s cash register , and Major asked Alfred he wanted to steal the money with them but Alfred said no.

    Closer: That is why Alfred is my favorite character in the Contender.

  2. TS: My favorite character in The Contender is Jelly Belly.

    SD: The first reason Jelly Belly is my favorite is because he is a nice guy.

    Elab: He is nice because he took Alfred and and henry back to see Willie Streeter after his big fight.

    SD: The second reason Jelly Belly is my favorite is because he is funny.

    Elab: He is funny because he was he was joking around with Alfred and Henry at Willie Streeter's fight.

    SD: The final reason I like Jelly Belly is because he is named after a food.

    Elab: He is named after a food because he is jolly and fat.

    That is why Jelly Belly is my favorite character in The Contender.

  3. TP my favorite character would have to be Jelly belly.

    SD my first reason why he is my favorite is because he is funny.

    ELAB jelly belly demonstrated his humor when he said “ if mr epstein let him eat on the job he would work for him for free.”

    SDmy second reason why I like him is because he is friendly.

    ELAB throughout the book Jelly belly never said anything mean to anyone, and always included people in his activities.

    SDmy third and final reason why i like jelly belly is because he is relatable to real life.

    ELAB I’m willing to bet right now mr hinske is confused about how it is relate able. but this is what i mean. in every group of kids theres that one fat where if you have a bad day and need a hug he is always there to cheer you up.

  4. TS My favorite character would have to be James
    SD The first reason James is my favorite character is when he and Major gang up to be buddies
    Elab Because James likes to be friends with everyone.
    SD The second reason James is my favorite character is when he and Alfred become friends at the end of the book.
    Elab Because James And Alfred had a really good relationship with being by alfred at the end of the book and helped him through rehab.
    SD The third reason James is my favorite character is when James is robbing the Epsteins.
    Elab Because he is a thief and he shouldn’t do that because you could get caught by the police.
