Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chapter 7 summary

Write a seven sentence summary about chapter 7. Be sure to look at your past summaries to make sure you are including the most important information from the chapter!


  1. Chapter 7 summary
    By: Morgan Nett

    Chapter 7 begins when Alfred and Henry getting off the subway train and two men gave them scowling looks and were very disrespectful. Soon after that Willie stepped into the ring and started punching Becker, then Willie’s eye got cut and was bleeding profusely as Becker was punching him in the eye. Then Mr. Donatelli and Dr.Corey dragged Willie to a room where he could get treated. Bud Martin was scowling at Willie for what he has done tonight. Spoon gave Henry and Alfred a ride home from the fight. As Alfred got to his stoop he saw Major and Hollis waiting for him.

  2. Chapter 7 begins with they are in the arena and Willie Streeter get a cut on his eye. Mr. Donatelli
    had to stop the fight because he couldn't let the opponent hurt him anymore than he already is hurt. Then Willie was talking and he still wanted to fight and he said nothing is wrong with my eye let me fight. Then Bill Witherspoon offered Henry and Alfred a ride him. Then when they got in the car they started talking about Willie and how he reacted. Henry and Alfred got out of the car and said thanks for the ride. Then when all of a sudden Sonny, Major, and Hollis was in Alfred's house they told Alfred lets take a walk and they grabbed his arm and left.

  3. Alfred started off heading to the fight that Donnelly.
    After he got there the fighters came out Donnelley fighter got punch it the eye.
    MR. d call a timeout to look at his eye.
    He was winded and it wastino looking good.
    Mr d started to type his hands.
    then bud started to look at his hands.
    bud untyped him pulled his fingers apart they were badly hurt.

  4. Chapter 7 begins with Alfred and Henry going to the Madison Square garden. They get there tickets ripped by the ticket guy who mumbles about having to let low lifes in the Madison Square garden. Alfred and Henry later find out that almost everyones favorite boxer “Willie Streeter” will be boxing there against “Junius Becker.” Everyone is voting on Willie Streeter to win and almost everyone is booing Junius Becker. The fight goes completely smooth for a while and Willie and Becker seem to be neck and neck. That is until Becker punches Streeter in the eye and leaves a cut. This gives Streeter a phobia because he hasn’t really been badly injured in a fight. So Donatelli and Bud pull him out of the ring to make sure more damage isn't done to the eye. Streeter starts yelling to let him back into the ring, Donatelli explains that losing one fight is better than losing and eye. This makes Streeter mad and he starts to yell at Bud and Donatelli about his near perfect record and how it can’t be messed up by a tiny cut by the eye. Eventually Streeter listens to reason and the fight is called of resulting in Streeters first lose. So Alfred and Henry start to head back home but are given a ride a Ex boxer/Teacher named “Bill Witherspoon.” He gives them a ride home and just when Alfred gets to his doorstep Major and Hollis are waiting for him.

  5. In chapter 7 Alfred and Henry got off the subway train and two men gave them scowling looks and were very disrespectful. Soon after that Willie stepped into the ring his eye got cut and was bleeding profusely when Becker was punching him in the eye. Willie was angry because he never got seriously hurt fighting in the ring before. Bud grabbed Willie’s arm and told him to watch his mouth and he should be thankful for having Mr.Donatelli as a manager. Later on Henry, Alfred, Jelly Belly, and Spoon walked out the doors and jelly belly went home to his girlfriend’s house so Spoon drove Alfred home and then henry could walk home from there. Alfred stopped Henry before he walked away to thank him for all he had done for him. Alfred went to say hello to the three boys on his stoop and they turned away from Alfred and he saw Major and Hollis on his stoop saying they been waiting all night for him and now they want to go on a walk with him alone.

  6. Chapter 7 starts out with a boxing match at the Madison Square Garden where Henry, Alfred and Jelly attend. The boxers were Junius Becker and Willie Streeter (Donatelli’s fighter). When they are fighting, Junius knocks Willie out. After the fight, a guard lets Alfred, Jelly and Henry in to see Willie to see if he is okay. Willie had a little bit of cuts. Next Alfred and Henry meet Jelly’s buddy, spoon. Spoon was one of Donatelli’s fighters who gave Alfred and Henry a ride home where at the end major wanted to have a walk with him.

  7. Chapter 7 started out with Alfred making his way into the Madison Square Garden for a boxing match. once into the arena Alfred the starts to describe all the people wandering around and the smell in the air. as soon as the fight started is as soon as it stop except it was my mr donatelli
    calling a forfeit. The group from mr donatelli gym rushed into the private VIP quarters to join mr donatelli being chewed out by the fighter. willi was mad that mr donatelli forfeit the match when willie was sure he could win the fight. but mr donatelli wasn't concerned about the fight. he was concerned about willi getting beat up to much to the point where he couldn't fight any more. they then left Madison square garden and dropped Alfred off at his house to be ambushed my major and hollis.
