Friday, September 23, 2011

Genre of Music

What is the best genre of music?  Respond using the TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, SD, Elab format.


  1. Ts: I believe that classic rock is the best genre of music.

    Sd: the first reason I believe classic rock is the best because who doesn’t like bon jovi and all those 80s rock songs,
    Elab: a lot of people like the 80s classic rock because it is nice to listen and a lot of people like to listen to it.
    Sd: the second reason I believe that classic rock is the best is because it gets you pumped up.
    Elab: classic music get you ready to workout it pumps you up and you just want to work out
    Sd: it takes peer courage to listen the 80s classic music it you can’t handle music that gets you pumped up then find some other music to listen to.

  2. I think that metal is the best genre of music.
    The first reason I think metal is the best is that they play loud but then go low.
    When you listen to Metallica you will hear them they start out loud then they go soft. Not like most other music they only stay soft or hard. It a mix of song that you want. And that the best part metal is not always loud the hole song and be soft too.
    The second reason that I think metal the best is that you can understand what they are saying.
    When I when to ask my dad why he did not like metal is that he said they just scream in the mic and very loud music. But that not the case that is heavy metal and what I thinking about is just metal you can hear what they are saying and you can it not that loud.
    The third reason that metal is the best is that when you heard metal you never go back.
    Like when I start listening to metal when I start to listen to other then metal you don’t feel right and you have to go back to metal and you start to think of the song. When you listen to metal it will get stuck in your head.

  3. I think rap is the best genre of music. I chose rap because it takes a lot of thinking and skill to make a song. People think rap music is “crap” but they don’t realize that it takes much more then rhyming to make a rap song. The lyrics in a good song contains a lot of figurative language, doesn’t jump from one subject to another every 3 seconds, and that relates to people’s experience and/or feelings. One of the most important things in a rap song is if the listener can connect to it. This is extremely hard in rapping because it takes a lot of skill. You have to rhyme, have it connect to the listener, have the lyrics stay with the meaning of the song, and make it flow well with the beat. The beat is also a main factor in creating a good song. In rock music a lot of the songs sound similar, beat wise. In rap music, there are so many more instruments that can be used in a song. With more instruments to use, comes more skill to making a beat with a different and unique sound.
