Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/11 (AoW #2)

Read the following article and respond to one of the questions.


  1. Think that 911 is a thing to take in that we have enemies and as long as we have enemies we have to sacrifice good men women and weapons, plane and truck. And to made all of that we have to pay in higher taxes now we are rebuilding a bigger tower and I hope this time they will have a better safe system. I think that that Afghanistan has to fix this problem because when we fix it when it go to hell again. I bet a lot of money that we are going over there to fix it again and that just more taxes to fund it all.

  2. The article mainly talks about how a lot of people got “World Trade Center cough”. That isn’t the only thing it affected. It affected everyone in the U.S. It effected the government and Economy because of the cost in the illness treatment and the repairs they have to pay for. People lost family, and friends that were in one of the Trade Centers and/or from the smoke. Airports now have more security, to try to stop terrorist attacks and make the U.S residents and visitors safe and feel more comfortable.

  3. I think that 9/11 was very important to many people including people who weren’t in New York at the time. Some People really don’t care because they don’t really think about how much it affected the people who were involved in 9/11. There were many heroes that saved thousands of people from the wreck 10yrs ago. My dad is a firefighter for Kimberly and he had a 9/11 ceremony in Neenah and people from other departments went to New York and got a piece of steel from a museum from the world trade center. I got a picture of it. It brings back many memory’s to people who went the ceremony.
    Even I never really understood the really meaning of 9/11 because I was so young when it happened so I don’t remember a whole lot but even now I understand the real meaning of 9/11, when I saw the piece of steel I saw other people crying it made me really think about how it affected everyone in the united states.
