Thursday, April 3, 2014

Point of View - Independent Book

Explain a character's problem and then offer your character advice on how to solve his/her problem.  6 sentences minimum.


  1. Maggot is dying on the streets and refusing to get help from other people. He should’ve got help instead of refusing help from other people. Maggot also smokes which is bad for you. He should stop smoking. Maggot should stop smelling bad because he hasn’t gotten help from people. He should let other people take care of him and get him clean.

  2. Maya's conflict is when she wants to go to six flags and her friends bailed on her to go to the party. My advice for Maya is just have fun and go with your family instead of bringing a friend with. I also think Maya shouldn't have called them and this wouldn't have all happened with her and the drama she got herself into. I also think that if i was her I would just go with my dad and my sisters.

  3. In the book “ give a boy a gun” the main character Brendan has a really big issue. His problem is his feeling and know how to deal with them. The reason he has a problem is because he always gets picked on by football player. A way he could deal with his issues are by getting a psychologist, telling the principal.Also to avoid further confrontation just keep your distance away from the jerks.


  4. In the book “Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes” The main character Eric has to deal with the conflict of Sarah's father who is basically the source to all of Sarah’s and Eric’s problem’s. The first problem being that the Sarah’s father is very abusive towards Sarah but is also good at covering it/lying about it. Like when he turned her face on a stove and gave Sarah scar’s, he told the people at the hospital that it was nothing more than a pot of boiling spaghetti to the face. He is also the reason why Sarah’s mom left them when Sarah was about 3 years old. Sarah’s mom was too afraid of her husband to do anything to stop the abuse and neglect to both Sarah and her. Or just flat out take Sarah and run away. Eric also came across another problem just recently with the father who threatened to skin Eric alive for hiding his daughter from him, and since he burned his own daughters face without any remorse and the same day almost drowned his wife in the sink, he’s probably not joking around when he said that.

    Eric tried solving the problem at first by hiding Sarah from her father like I previously said but like I said before, that backfired on him. Than Eric threatened to call the cops on Sarah’s father if he said or did anything rash onto him or anyone he knows.

    If I could give Eric some advice to deal with this predicament I would say Eric should take Sarah, go into hiding that’s not at his place and try to find out about her mother like they did before except with more help and time. Or bail out of town so that the father doesn’t find Eric and skin him alive and give Sarah more scar’s than she already has. When they’re out of town they could they could try to find out from other people where her mother went to assuming she probably split town to escape her abusive father. Another thing Eric could do is like he said he would do before and call the police and child services to either put the father behind bars and find Sarah a new, better family while filing a restraining order against her father.
    This is the advice I would probably give to Eric if he wasn’t a fictional character in a book.

  5. In the novel Born to Rock, Leo is having a problem with his new job as a roadie for his biological father’s band Purge. When the band was finishing their rehearsal for their opening concert in San Francisco, their guitarist Neb Nezzer finished of the act doing a perfect splits, he hurt his nuts BAD. Leo’s job was to ride in the ambulance with Neb on the way to the hospital. When they got there, Leo had to wait a long time at the hospital to get the results that Neb was going into surgery. When he called another roadie the news, the roadie said he was show up but didn't and then that led to a huge fight.

    If I were Leo I would just tell the manager of the band what happened and then everything would get straightened out because then the manager would make sure that doesn't happen again.
    That is how Leo’s problem would get fixed.

  6. In the book After Tupac and D Foster Tash is in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Tash is losing weight in jail because he isn’t really eating the way he should be and he’s losing sleep but when he sleeps he dreams about being in wonderful place with his “girls”. Tash is the only one out of his family that is more feminine than most guys and he’s gay. I would give Tash three things of advice. One thing of advice is watch what you eat because if a prisoner doesn’t like you he can slip something in your food. Two, always watch your back because you never know when other prisoners could gang up on you. Three, never be in the wrong place at the wrong time, it would be safer if you stayed to yourself and not try to talk to other prisoners unless they start a conversation with you.

  7. Brendon has some issue with the jocks and them picking on him. The way I would fix it by talking to friends and family. They would have time to get help and work it out with the people and the jocks. Then if he got this help he would not shoot up the school. But Gary was egging him on and then they join together to shoot up the school. If they wouldn’t have gone so far with things, Gary would not of died.
