Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Heroism - Navy SEALS

After reading "Warriors for the 21st Century", answer the following question:

What qualities make the NAVY SEALS heroes?  You need at least 3. Explain using the following format: TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, Closer


  1. The Navy SEALs have many qualities that make them a hero. One quality they have is Bravery. Heroes have a lot of bravery because they put their life on the line to change the society for the better so people don’t feel as threatened. In this situation the SEALs show bravery when they stampeded the compound just to kill one person, also knowing that the Pakistan military is in the same city and wanting to kill them. Another quality the SEALs have is intelligence. Intelligence is the most important quality a hero can have because they have to be both smart and street smart so they know what to do in any situation to even try to change society. The SEALs had to know what Bin Laden looks like, where he is, devices which could hold secret to the next terrorist attack, and most importantly how to ambush the compound and eliminate the objective without the Pakistan military knowing. The third example of Heroism that the SEALs show is Risk taking. The SEALs are risk takers because they risked their lives killing Bin Laden so we, the U.S citizens don’t need to worry about another terrorist attack happening. These are just a few qualities that the SEALs show, there are still many more heroic qualities the SEALs have.

  2. There are many qualities that make the NAVY SEALS heroes
    One quality of a hero is risk-taking. One example is when the troops burst in to the building. Risk-taking is a quality of a navel seal because when navel seal is drop on the ground for a mission they are taking a rise to be killed in the line of duty because they are willing to make the risk of losing everything.
    Second example of quality is self-sacrifice. One example is when they crash into the ground and continue the mission. Self-sacrifice is a quality of a navel seal because they are willing to loss a leg or an arm in battle. They will not stop until the mission is done. They will not destroy the mission to save there live and they will go on suicide mission to help the USA.
    The three example of quality is NAVY SEAL is most elite. One example is when they were in the building and they know how to kill and not. Being the most elite come with a responsibility to be the best and get the job done one time and one time only, no screw up. They have trained for years to work in every situation to finish the mission with as many troops alive.

  3. There are many qualities that make Navy seals Heroes. One quality is bravery. They flew their black hawk helicopters behind enemy lines in hostile Pakistan Territory so the Navy seals came in, shot their enemy’s and killed Osama Bin Laden and off they went. Another quality Navy Seals Have is glory avoidance they do not want to be in the spotlight. After the navy seals successfully murdered Osama Bin Laden they did not want everyone to know exactly who the people were that killed him. The final quality they have is they are no ordinary U.S. Soldiers they are the elite soldiers of the Navy Seals. These Navy Seals Troops went through a lot of hard work and training to become what they are today Navy Seals of the United States of America
