Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Write one sentence for each "Opener"....As, After, Although, While, When, Until, Before, Because, If, Since.


  1. As I moved closer to the light, my heart started racing.

    After the fire, the house was completely gone.

    Although I’m a decent artist, I have a long way to go to become pro.

    While the parents were chatting, I was playing Grand theft auto V.

    When Santa came to town, everyone was happy.

    Until I get what I want, I will not stop complaining.

    Before the infection spread, Earth was teaming with life.

    Because of your mistake, Innocent people are suffering.

    If you lay one finger on her, I will it off your finger.

    Since you been gone, I can’t breath for the first time.

  2. As I sat in my chair, I was getting annoyed.

    After I expressed myself, I felt better,

    Although we had a lot of food in the pantry , I still wanted Malt-O-Meal.

    While I was walking my dog, I realized I cut my toe.

    When my brother and I were little, we rode in a little barbie jeep.

    Until I was tired, I had to do chores.

    Before seven, I have to take the dogs outside to use the bathroom.

    Because my bird´s wing was cut too short, I had to put flour on it.

    If I had one wish, it would be to live in the country so nobody can bother me.

    Since we were little kids, we always had pets.

  3. As I came in to school, everyone was looking at me.
    After The Link Crew was done, I took some pictures with them.
    Although I missed a test, I will still make it up.
    While I was sleeping, I was in a dream.
    When I woke up this morning, I was watching television.
    Until we got in the gym, I was so bored.
    Before I went to bed, I took a shower.
    Because of you, I am afraid of the sidewalk.
    If I were a boy, even just for a day.
    Since you been gone, I can’t breath for the first time.

  4. As I went to meet Freddie Mercury’s ghost, I fainted as I shook his hand.

    After school, I walked home.

    Although I drowned, I still survived.

    While I was eating lunch, I was talking with my friends.

    When I went to the concert, I enjoyed the performance.

    Until I Get my Cast off, I can’t swim.

    Before I moved to Kimberly, I was living in Milwaukee

    Because of My pet tyrannosaurus rex, I am missing my head.

    If my bellybutton started talking to me, I would freak out.

    Since I was the Walrus shot me, I died

  5. as i walk into the sunlight i'm blinded
    after i did homework i played grand theft walwallrus
    although im dead i still get a flu shot
    while im working on homework
    Until I get what I want, I will not stop complaining.
    Before the infection spread, Earth was teaming with life.

    Because of your mistake, Innocent people are suffering.

    If you lay one finger on her, I will it off your finger.

    Since you been gone, I can’t breath for the first time.

  6. Openers
    By: Morgan Nett

    After I sat down, I remembered I have to do my homework.

    Although I was late, I still went to school.

    When I was walking, I started talking just to stress you out.

    Since I had homework, I couldn’t go outside.

    As I went to the store, I saw a clown on a unicycle.

    Because I got in a car crash, I died.

    If I stole a whiteboard from school, I would get suspended.

    Until 5, I have to do homework.

    Before I could go to the dance, I had to get ready.

    While I was eating cereal, I wanted chocolate milk.
