Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Independent Book Blog

First I want you to write a one paragraph summary of what happened in your book so far.  Then, answer one of the following questions based on the main character in your book.  Did the main character’s choices to this point in the book change his/her life?  How did his/her choices to this point in the book reveal his/her character?  How do circumstances shape the choices he/she faces?

Restate the question in the topic sentence (TS), and then come up with two or more specific examples to support your thinking from the book.  List page numbers to show where you found this information in the book.  Use TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, and a closer.


  1. DopesSick is about a man who is into well dope and he is on the run from the law. He has been facing various obstacles trying to overcome his addiction of dope. Kelly has been trying to help him overcome this terrible addiction of dope and trying to show him in a video format what is going to happen if he stays on this drug.
    During this guy’s time of being on dope he has been hanging out with not the very brightest of people his friends are on the path on the path offending up in prison. So that alone gives Kelly reason to try and help the poor guy out. The path he is on is right in the book if he continues to what he is doing he will have the Swat team after him.
    The choices the main character in the book was he tried to turn the knob leading to the roof because he was on the run from the law and that is how he met Kelly. “I tried to turn the knob leading to the roof…“ (Dean Myers, 6).

  2. In the book Runner, there’s a boy named Chance. Chance lives on a boat, he is really poor and is constantly wondering how other people have so much money that they can by a car, have a nice house, and be happy. Melissa, a rich girl who is part of the school newspaper staff tries to talk to Chance since he is the quite kid in class. After Melissa tried to befriend Chance, she learns more and more about him. She finds out that their dads used to be friends in high school, and she also finds out that Chance is really poor and is really struggling in life. Melissa tried to offer him money, but he didn’t take it. She convinced him to join the newspaper staff because he didn’t do anything outside of school besides run, and since he lives a different life than every other kid, he should have a lot of interesting stories. While all that was happening, his home life was changing too. His dad got fired from his job, and Chance works at a restaurant called Ray’s, but only gets paid minimum wage. He quit that job and took the job that was offered to him by the “Fat Guy”. Now he picks up packages for two hundred dollars a week. One thing he doesn’t like about the job is that he doesn’t know what’s in the packages. After he has been working at the new job for a few months, Melissa started to get suspicious about the rock because she always see’s Chance looking around by it every day but Chance just said that there’s a rat nest by the rock. Melissa was interested in the rat’s nest so she went to look at it. Chance saw her looking around for it, and since that’s where Chance picks up the packages he started to yell at her telling her to leave. That’s when she got really suspicious and was the beginning of the end of their friendship. Chance knew he is being watched whenever he’s by the rock considering he was already talked to a few times, so he threw away his friendship with Melissa so he doesn’t lose his job or get in serious trouble. That’s all that happened in the book so far, but Chance’s life has definitely changed from the beginning of the book.

    Chance’s life has changed a lot from the choices he has already made in the book. The following quote’s show what he’s getting himself into by taking the new job, “What happens to the packages? What’s in them? Where do they go?” Chance said. The Fat Guy replied “Bad questions. You don’t know, and you don’t want to find out. Understand” (Deuker, 62)? This shows Chance’s life changing because he had a job at Ray’s, washing dishes and got paid minimum wage but then he quit that job and took a job picking up packages. He took that job but one thing he doesn’t know is what’s in the packages he’s delivering, so now he began thinking that he could possibly be working for a drug smuggling operation.

    The next quote shows another choice Chance has made, “And you won’t be coming on Friday nights anymore, will you” Melissa said. Chance responded “No, I won’t” (Deuker, 129). The high school newspaper staff meets at the Blue Note Café every other Friday. After Chance yelled at her, he decided to show up there to apologize to her. When he showed up only Melissa was there, he got food and sat down by her. After they ate they’re food she wanted to go for a walk with him but he said he can’t. Right after that, he said he won’t be going to the meetings anymore. Chance has made a very bad choice because he practically ruined his friendship with the girl that likes him, Melissa. Now he has no one besides his dad in his life, he pushed the rest away. These are only a few choices Chance has made, and by the looks of it he will probably make many more choices, bad choices, unless he somehow turns his life around.

  3. DopesSick is about a man who is into well dope and he is on the run from the law. He has been facing various obstacles trying to overcome his addiction of dope. Kelly has been trying to help him overcome this terrible addiction of dope and trying to show him in a video format what is going to happen if he stays on this drug.
    During this guy’s time of being on dope he has been hanging out with not the very brightest of people his friends are on the path on the path off ending up in prison. So that alone gives Kelly reason to try and help the poor guy out. The path he is on is right in the book if he continues to what he is doing he will have the Swat team after him.
    Did the main character’s choices to this point in the book change his/her life? How did his/her choices to this point in the book reveal his/her character? This paragraph is proving my point because this is how he met Kelly in the appeared to be an abandoned building. The choices the main character in the book was he tried to turn the knob leading to the roof because he was on the run from the law and that is how he met Kelly. “I tried to turn the knob leading to the roof…“ (Dean Myers, 6).

  4. Ben wolf in a normal senor boy that want to live life to the full. But one day in the school year, he gets called down in to the office and his doctor show up. He tells him to sit down and he tell him he only has a year to live and he tell the doctor not to tell his parents. Now he is trying to make a mark in the world before his time is up. He joins the football team, meet a girl and has a good time. (page4) “Otherwise your be lucky if you have a year.”
    Did the main character’s choices to this point in the book change his/her life? Yes I believe that he did. Because he made the choice not to tell everyone about his last year. I believe he made that choice because he would have everyone would baby him and let him do whatever he wants. He wants to earn that respect in this own way. By becoming a football star. (Page 10) “And I am turning out for football.” but there a problem, he never played football.
    How do circumstances shape the choices he/she faces? I think the choice he makes is different because he would of never of when to prom with that girl, if he didn’t have a year to live. And he would of never of sleep with that girl that he when to prom with. Now he has a girlfriend, he trying very hard not to tell her that he is going to died. If he told her I think her world would circle around ben and she might start failing school. If the doctor didn’t tell ben about his death, he would never have join the football team, never when to prom and never slept with that girl.
    The point I am trying to get across is that I believe it was a good idea to keep his secret to himself, if not everyone he know is going to start to worry about him and there life will be put to a stop.

  5. The book I am reading is called “Touching spirit Bear”. This book is about a young man named Cole Matthews. He is not a good kid; all he does is hurt and disrespects elders and family. After this last attack he’s done enough to make the law mad, so now he has to choose either prison or Native American circle justice. He chooses to go to American circle justice.
    I think the choices Cole has made so far have impacted his life in a tremendous way. (7) “With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists”. The reason why is because since he has behaved so badly he has to go to criminal justice. Above is an example of just one thing that Cole has done just to put himself where he is now.
    This affects his character because it might change him as a person. A prediction I have had since the start has been that after he gets out of criminal justice he will become a good kid. I believe he will respect his parents more and treat them a lot better, so it ends up all happy like usual.
    Some circumstances shape the way your actions take place and what you are faced against because when you are put in these kinds of situations you have to know a good choice from a bad one. The reason I believe this is because you can control good from bad sometimes.
