Tuesday, December 6, 2011

5 Qualities of Friendship

What do you believe are the Five main qualities of friendship and why?  Make sure to elaborate on each one!!


  1. A true friendship includes many important qualities. One of the qualities is honesty. Honesty is one of the most important qualities of friendship because you don’t want to be friends with someone that lies to you. Another important quality is reliability. Reliability is an important quality because a friend should always be there for you even when you’re not doing too well. A third important quality is respect. Respect is an important quality in friendship because you want a respectful friend, you don’t want a friend that treats you badly, that just isn’t a friend. Doing activities is also a quality of a true friendship should have. A friend you should be able to doing things with and have fun, hanging out with a friend that’s just boring well isn’t fun. The fifth quality in a true friendship is responsibility. Responsibility is also an important quality because if they’re not responsible they’re more likely the person that gets in a lot of trouble. These are just a few qualities that a true friendship should have.

  2. A true friendship includes many things. One of the things a friendship needs is honesty. If you don’t have honesty in a friendship then you can’t trust your friend if you want to tell your friend something. The second thing you must have in a friendship is loyalty. If you are not loyal to your friends they will never want to be your friend again maybe they won’t trust again. If you’re not respectful to your friend they will never be nice to you. And after you don’t be nice to your friend once they might not even trust you anymore after you were being mean to them. The most important thing a friendship needs is reliability . Reliable is very important just say you need to be picked up and you don’t have a ride home and your friend can give you a ride that’s being really nice.

  3. TS; What make a good friendship.
    SD; Trust is one of the thing you need to make a good friendship.
    Elab; If you try to give him money to buy you something he run off and buy stuff for himself and you won’t see him again.
    SD; Honesty is also one of the key elements to a good friendship.
    Elab; If your friend steal something and you ask about it and he said no the you friendship is no worth his time.
    SD; Helpful is one of the most important thing to have in friendship.
    Elab; Helping my friend is always a great thing to do because it show my friends that I can be helpful always.
    SD; Other thing that a helpful thing is that being there for you.
    Elab; When you need his help with something he will be there for you. and will not ask for something in return.
    SD; Respect is other good feature in a friendship.
    Elab; Respect is good thing about a friend is if he has no respect for you he will kick you aside for money or other thing.
