Friday, September 20, 2013

Orca Books - Elements of Story

After reading the Orca Book of your choice, write a paragraph for each of the six Elements of Story as it relates to your book.


  1. Sticks and Stones.

    The Protagonist who everyone calls Jujube because she has one blue eye and one green eye, she also has one eyebrow because she accidentally plucked out all her eyebrows. So now she looks different from all the other students because of it. Whenever she's around someone or walking down the hall she puts her hand up to that spot and hopes no one will notice it. But that is the least of her problems at the moment. After going on a date with her crush Brent and getting sexually harassed by him the whole school think she is a slut. She is told to just ignore it until it dies out but it only gets worse as time goes on. Someone wrote on the boys and girls bathroom walls and I quote “SLUT, FOR A GOOD TIME CALL JUJUBE GELB.” After that was written on the wall, things escalate pretty quickly from bad to horrific. Jujube goes to tell her mother and her mother is extremely furious and demands that the school get the messages taken off the walls. The school claims they do not have the money to hire a clean up crew to remove the messages. The school states they will do something about the messages on the wall though. The school does nothing about the messages on the wall and completely ignores it.
    The only person sticking up for Jujube the whole time us her friend Carlos who helps out alot in the whole situation. Besides Carlos the only other people that help her are Her friend/sister Sophie, and a few other girls in a club she started called Slut club. The clubs initial purpose was to gather up the girls in the school that have been called sluts and put them in the same room to chat things out. Doing this at first did not help much because none of the girls wanted to remember that part of their past. Over time though it actually came to be one of their greatest allies to help get rid of the names on the walls. “ a Band-Aid-just covering it all up. You don’t change things by covering them up.” As quoted in the book meaning that covering up the messages on the walls will not do anything, so we need to think of something else. That’s exactly what they do. The next day at school she goes to health class with Carlos and Carlos sets up a projector that says Jujube Gelb is a slut. Jujube stands in front of the projector and lets the words flash across her chest which surprised everyone in the classroom. Jujube then starts to give the people a lecture on how the word slut makes her and the other girls feel. “Lately, it’s been harder than usual to get out of bed in the morning. There's such a long day ahead. I have so many decisions to make. If I wear this shirt, the collar doesn’t go up to my chin. So will I look like a slut if I wear it?” After giving this lecture to her class everyone walks up to either Jujube or Carlos and says a few things and puts their hands their shoulders or nods their heads.
    After that the slut club threw a celebration to celebrate their victory until Brent shows up. He told Jujube and them that he swore he had nothing to do with everyone calling Jujube a slut and that it was the other guys fault. Carlo’s came to the conclusion that Brent was lying and said “When the other guys started joking around, what did you say?”
    Brent replied with “Nothing,”
    This got Jujube furious and she yelled at Brent “Let me get this straight. They started telling crude jokes about me and you said nothing?!”
    Sophie throws a hacky sack at Brent and he runs away.

  2. Setting:
    The story Stick and Stones took place in Canada, at her school and at home where most of the conflict took place. The story takes place between the mid 90’s and 2002 because they have Tv,Star Trek,Radios,cell phones and home movies.

    The protagonist Jujube is a teenage girl with one eyebrow different colored eyes and is going to a dance with her crush, Brent. She later finds out that people have been spreading rumors about her being a slut.
    The Antagonist in the story is almost everyone in the whole school because they keep pelting Jujube with insults like a good for nothing slut,writing stuff and like for a good time call Jujube Gelb with her phone number posted on the wall.
    The Static character in the story is Jujube step sister Sophie who does not change throughout the story. The only thing she did throughout the story was whine about her mother and father and give Jujube one piece of advice but that’s really about it.
    The Dynamic character throughout the story was Jujube because she goes from being a complete wreck about the whole situation into a somewhat optimistic person that won’t let the word slut hurt her.
    The flat character(s) in this story was Megan and the rest of the members(besides Carlos,Sophie and Jujube) of slut club because nothing was said about megan besides people call her a slut, she smokes and her parents beat her. Nothing was said about the other girls in Slut club besides there names.
    The Round character in the story is once again Jujube because we know everything about Jujube, Her personality, how she looks, her background, what she likes to do and what friend she has. We also see how she progresses through the story from a complete wreck to someone with a optimistic attitude who let trivial nonsense bother her.

    Throughout the story Jujube has to fight her inner demons on weather she really is a slut or not.
    She not only has to face Brent but the whole school with the slut incident until she comes to the conclusion that she shouldn’t let words like slut hurt her if it’s not the truth.

    Point of view:
    The story takes place through the eyes of Jujube who explains to the audience what’s going on in her life and how she and her friends are dealing with it. The story can sometimes be told in 3rd person limited.

    The one word that can sum up this whole book is “adversity” because Jujube faces nothing but adversity throughout the whole story. I can’t really relate this book because I have never been in this situation but I can say it has happened to students I know in real life.
    The theme for this book in my opinion would have to be “relationships” and “pain” because it was going on a date with Brent that cause the whole situation for Jujube and she felt nothing but “pain” throughout the story up until the midsection/end of the book.

  3. The Plot

    Act 1
    The Character:
    In the book Pigboy By: Vicki Grant there is the Protagonist named Dan Hogg.
    The Conflict:
    His conflict is that he has to go to a boring field trip to a boring Farm.

    Act 2
    The Complication:
    On the day of the field trip, the principal tells his class that the teacher (Mr. Benvie) is absent. So then Dan thinks that the field trip is cancelled. But BAM! The Substitute Teacher (Ms. Creaser) comes in and tells the class that they are still going on the field trip to the farm.

    The Fall of the hero:
    They finally get to the farm by bus. Then they look for the farmer Mr Van Wart. When they finally find him the tour begins. Suddenly, Van Wart gets mad a Ms. Creaser because he thought she doubted him when he said cows are are Eighteen when they give milk, but she just said “Really? Eighteen years old? I Didn’t think cows lived that long.” Van Wart replied “What, You think I don’t know what I’m talking about?” Eventually, Ms Creaser wants to talk to Van Wart in private outside the barn. When Van Wart gets back, he tells the students that Ms. Creaser Is not feeling well so now he is in charge. Later, Dan’s nose is getting runny and ask’s Van Wart If he can get a Kleenex in the house. Van wart lets him run to the house. When Dan gets back to the farm, he stops at the bus to see it Ms. Creaser is okay and all of a sudden, Ms. Creaser and the Bus Driver are tied up. Dan uties them and calls 911 and does not know exactly where he is at but and ends up hanging up on them.

    Act 3
    The 911 Operator understood Where the incident was when she heard Dan say “Van Wart” Because when she searched Van Wart on the computer, She knew exactly where to go. Cops came and arrested Mr. Van Wart. Then the kids came back home safely.

    Micro: First It takes place at a school and then takes place at a farm.
    Macro: It takes place at an unnamed city in the U.S.A.

    Micro: It takes place during the day.
    Macro: It takes place during the 2000’s decade.
    Protagonist: Dan Hogg because he is the main character and is telling the story.
    Antagonist: Mr Van Wart because he keeps Dan from reaching goals.
    Static: Ms. Creaser Because She doesn’t really change throughout the book.
    Dynamic: Shane Coolen because he keeps calling Dan “Pigboy” since Dan’s last name is Hogg. but toward the end, He respects Dan a little bit more at the end.
    Flat: Bus Driver Because he is barely mentioned in the book.
    Round: Dan Hogg Because he is the main character.

    Internal: Dan is Scared of Mr Van Wart because he thinks that Mr. Van Wart is get back at Dan for untying Ms. Creaser and the bus driver.
    External: The conflict is external because it is Individual vs. Individual. It is individual because Dan is against Mr Van Wart.

    Point of View:
    First person: This book is narrated in First Person Because Dan Hogg is the main character and telling the story.

    Theme: The one word I pick for my theme is Survival. I pick survival because Dan is trying to survive this boring farm and also trying to survive Mr. Van Wart because Mr. Van Wart tied up Ms. Creaser and the bus driver.

  4. The plot begins in act 1 with Jujube is The Protagonist and she is in a relationship with brent. He wants to go to the band with Jujube but instead they go to the dance but then he says lets go back to my car. Brent started the car then Brent went in the back seat with Jujube he makeout with her. Act 2 is where The Complication is when Brent tells everybody at school and there is a rumor going around that Brent had sex with Jujube in his car when they were at the dance The Fall Of The Hero is when she gets called a slut and a whore and she finds out that there is words in the bathroom stall at school. Act 3 is where the resolution is they raised enough money for to get off the graffiti off the bathroom stall.

    The Setting is where it happened at School
    The Larger Setting it took place in a City from The United States

    The Setting is when it was Friday at 7:30pm Brent picked me up at my house to go to the dance and we drove to the band that he plays with because he is in a band and he took her to the dance then he said lets go back to my car Brent says then he starts the up and then he has sex with her in the backseat of his car.

    The Characters are The Protagonist who is Jujube and The Antagonist is Brent
    The Static Character is sophie because she never gets trouble with anybody even at School she tries to help Jujube with her mean stuff going around School.
    The Dynamic Character is Mom because she wants to go see her boyfriend that left them to starve.
    The Flat Character is Megan because she was not in the book and she did some bad things to like smoke when she was in middle school and did some bad choices.
    The Round Character is Carlos because he cared about Jujube a lot.

    The Internal conflict is with Jujube vs herself. When Jujube was in high school she was called a slut and other mean words that made her feel guilty and not herself because she did a bad thing with her ex Brent wanted to have sex but she didn't want to but then she did and she left him.

    The External conflict is Brent because he told everyone a personal thing about what he did that night at the dance when Jujube had sex with Brent in the car at the dance and then he told everyone at school and know Jujube is being called a slut and a whore because he did a bad thing with her in his car.
    Point Of View is 1st Person because it is the person telling the story I
    Jujube is telling the story about her when she was called a slut and some other bad words because of a stupid rumor.

    The Theme of Sticks And Stones is Drama. The book Sticks and Stones is Drama because of what happened with Brent. When Jujube got asked out to go to the valentines day dance with Brent. When Jujube waited for Brent in her driveway she was excited but then she is in the car with him. And Brent said I have to stop and get my band stuff wait in the car. Brent came back and said lets go to the dance for a little bit but then it happened he and Jujube had sex in his car then the drama started at school when she was called a slut and a whore. Then there was words in the bathroom stall that said Jujube is a slut.

  5. In Act 1, the protagonist (Sophie) was introduced. The conflict in the story was when Sophie’s dad abuses her after she broke curfew. In Act 2, the complication happens when her dad throws a chair against a wall. Thats when things got uglier. The fall of the hero was when Sophie was in the fort and covered with a blanket. But a pain shot up my back as if two hands were tearing it apart. Sophie could see flashing red lights. Jujube probably called 911 and they came and saved Sophie. In Act 3, the resolution happens when Sophie is at the hospital and her dad gets a restraining order. Her mom has to go to a women’s shelter (temporary home) and Sophie is going to live in a group home for 4 months.

    The setting of my book involves the time and place. My book takes place in the afternoon and at her house and at school. This is the micro setting. This could take place today, which is the macro setting.The macro setting of the book is in a medium sized city.

    The protagonist is (Sophie) because she is dealing with conflict with her dad. The antagonist would be her dad because he abuses her. The static character would be Jujube because she is helpful throughout the book. The dynamic character would be Sophies mom because in the beginning of the book her mom seemed suspicious when Sophie tried to talk to her. Sophie´s mom seemed much nicer at the end of the book because at the hospital she said, ¨I am so sorry I didn't know about the abuse. The flat character would be Rick because he was just there and we don’t know that much about him. The round characters would be Sophie and her dad because they had good descriptions about how they look.

    The internal conflict in my book was when Sophie didn't want to talk to a teacher or a probation officer because she thinks that if she talked to them they would make her to a group home.

    The external conflict is between Sophie and her dad abusing her. Sophie´s dad gets mad at little things like when she stayed out past her curfew. Sophie´s dad banged his daughters head against the wall and saying, ¨stupid, no good. nothing.¨ Another external conflict was when Sophie´s dad started punching her and she tried to cover herself with her arm. But her dad pushed her face against the wall. Another one is that he kicked her legs and back.

    The point of view of the book is in 1st person because Sophie is telling the story and using ¨ I ¨ a lot of times.

    The theme of Something girl is fear. When Sophie gets punched or kicked by her dad. She fears that she can´t get out of it and doesn´t know how to fight back. She was in fear and had to put up with her dad every day. So when she realized that she could hide from her dad she went and hid in a fort Jujube and Sophie made. When she was at the hospital her dad got a restraining order on her dad.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Act 1.the story Bull Rider is about layen wanting to ride bulls so badly,but his mom won't let him because his dad died riding bulls.

    Act 2 Layen finds a way to practice bull riding at his girlfriend's house without his mom knowing. fall of the hero {while riding at his girlfriend's house he gets hurt riding the bulls}, the complication Jana’s grandpa came over just as it happened and chase gets dragged into the situation and starts to teach layen how to ride
    act 3 the resolution ,Layen rides in the tournament.

    setting in the book Bull rider, takes place in present time down south in texas in a small town that holds a big bull riding festival every year.

    Protagonist: Layen
    Antagonist: Layen’s Mom
    Static: Terror, because we really don't know much about he in the first place.
    Dynamic:Layen, because he grows not only in heart but in wisdom as well.
    Flat:Terror because we know nothing about her except for her name and why she is called Terror.
    Round: Layen is a perfect example because throughout the book he talks about what he see’s and how he feels.

    Conflict:Layen’s mom won't let him ride bulls because his dad died riding bulls

    Internal: individual vs. self
    he feels bad about going against his mom and lying to her but he feels he has to do this.
    External: Individual vs. Individual
    son vs. mom because she won't let him ride bulls
    Point Of View : 1st person

    Theme: the theme is Determination because he didn't let anyone get in his way of what he wanted to achieve

  8. Character
    Protagonist:Blue jeans
    Antagonist: No one
    Dynamic: She changes her attitude on the outside and inside, more happy and doesn’t feel she has to hide her feelings from people.

    Conflict:Blue jeans bought an old mare but wanted a young foal or yearling. Individual vs. self

    The Complication: Cole shows Blue jeans a paper that said lost possibly stolen blue roan mare highly trained.

    Fall of the hero: Blue jeans thinks she has to get rid of her blue roan mare to give her back to the original owner.

    Resolution: Blue jeans gets to keep the horse as long as she bred her to have a foal and gives the original owner the foal of the blue roan mare.

    Point of view:1st person

    Setting:Out in the country on a farm. Takes place all throughout the day, night, and afternoon.

    Theme: Identity
