Friday, April 19, 2013

The Science of Selling

After watching part four of the Persuaders, "The Science of Selling", find a commercial on the internet and answer the following questions:

What is your commercial doing to try to reach the consumer?
Was it effective?  Why?
Give Examples


  1. Nivea Deo is a German deodorant and they used humor and it was really funny.
    It was about stress protect and they put people through a very stressful situation. They put normal people in a real live scary situation and at the end offers them the deodorant, saying they should be prepared for stressful things.

  2. In this coca cola comercial how they reach the customer is by making you laugh at a bunch of polar bears sliding on ice tripping and falling trying not to drop the coke as they pass it around. This was effective because it caught your attention and made you have a good time watching this commercial.

  3. The commercial is trying to say is that if you are ever alone all you need is a gun that is what they are trying to say to us is that we should use a gun to protect us if there's ever a person who is trying to come and kill you. The commercial that I saw was that you should go to a gun shop and buy yourself a gun at the gun shop.


  4. The Sundrop commercial is Trying to reach the consumer by making the product enjoyable to drink. Yes because It has a fun taste to it that makes me want to dance with those people.

  5. The Snickers commercial is effective because they're telling you that when you are hungry you can always count on a Snickers to satisfy your hunger. For example when they are in the car one of the guys become a nagging woman when he get’s hunger and his friend gives him a Snickers bar and he becomes his normal self.

  6. what are commercials trying to tell us?

    Like commercials for Cheerio’s cereal, like this one for example,, it satrts out that this man is eating breakfast with his wife, and he reads on the back of the box that it says that it lowers cholestorol, so he didn't notice the big text on the front of the box? After he reads off the box his wife gets up, kisses him on his balding head, and tells him he still needs to go to the gym. Why? He looks fine to me.

    This commercial is trying to say that low cholestorol and lots of exercise can make you healthier.
