Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Miracle's Boys - Characterization

In Ch. 3, find parts in the book that show character traits of Lafayette, Tyree and Charlie.  Include the actual quote from the book and page number.

QUOTE: "Some days he'd just sit on that bed with his hands hanging down between his knees. Just staring out the window and looking evil," (Woodson 5). EXPLANATION OF QUOTE: This shows that Charlie is very angry at everything in life and he is having some serious internal conflict because of the anger he has since he went to Rahway.


  1. “ Boy better not be out there getting in any more trouble, that’s for sure. And you better not be getting into any trouble either,” (woodson 26). This shows that Ty’ree seems like a dad because he protects Lafayette and Newcharlie, and he buys groceries and pays the taxes.

    “Hey,mama,” I whispered. “Can you make some chicken for tonight?” “Mama looked over at me and smiled, a quiet, faraway smile. “I blinked and she wasn’t there anymore,” ( Woodson 23 and 24). This shows that Lafayette doesn’t want to let go of his mom.

    “ Newcharlie liked listening to music and liked rapping.” “Sometimes he and Aaron sat in our room all day, making up rhymes and slapping each other five when something came off sounding off right,”( Woodson 22). This shows that Newcharlie wants to become a rapper because he has been practicing with his friend Aaron.

  2. ¨Hey mama,¨ I whispered. ¨can you make some chicken for dinner tonight.¨ (Woodson 23) This shows lafayette is in a peaceful state when he's by himself in the apartment and sees his moms ghost.

    ¨He say where he was going?¨ (Woodson 26) This shows Tyree is a caring person because he's always buying groceries and going to work to pay the bills.

    "Well, I'm not. I'm not Newcharlie and I'm not getting into trouble. Just sitting here watching some TV, that's all. A little TV never hurt anybody." (Woodson 27) This shows that Newcharlie has a reputation for getting in trouble.

  3. “I guess Tyree's like our daddy. He works and pays the rent and buys groceries and stuff.” (Woodson 25). This shows that Tyree is like a father to the kids because he cares about them and his dad taught him how to be a good brother to the boys like a father.

    “Charlie had put plants in all the windows spider plants and ferns and some other ones I don’t know the name of.” (Woodson 23). This shows that Charlie is like a nice boy and likes a lot of nature and likes to go outdoors.

    “Do I look like I’m getting into trouble, Man?!” (Woodson 27). This shows Lafayette is a good kid because he doesn’t want to become Charlie and go to Rahway.

  4. Tyree: ’“Tyree let me watch TV as much as I wanted as long as I wanted as long as I took one weekend day for homework.” (Woodson 21). This shows that Tyree is a nice guy but has rules.

    Lafayette: “I’m not Newcharlie and I’m not getting into trouble.” (Woodson 27). This shows that Lafayette does not want to be a bad guy.

    Charlie: “Saving a dog and a white woman is a stupid way to die. Only thing you need to save is your own self.” This shows that Charlie is very negative.

  5. Tyree say its not even worth getting mad about it really(25).
    This is when they are talking about there mom and how she die and Tyree is trying to be an adult about it.
    (lafayette) Do i look like i'm geting into trouble man ?!.
    He is alway talking about his gangs. They could get his family hurt.
    charlie He going to be a rapper and make big bucks. I think he going to get in trubble and his dreams went away.

  6. y could' you give me quote I
