Friday, December 20, 2013

Favorite Christmas Memory

What is your favorite Christmas memory?  Write a detailed paragraph explaining why.


  1. My favorite christmas memory was when me and my sister had to figure out this puzzle. When we put the pieces together my mom gave us a present that we had to open together. When we opened up the present, it was a book that said florida on it. We got so excited and my mom and sister started crying. I finished the puzzle and the puzzle said that we are going to florida.

  2. My favorite Christmas memory comes from way back when I was in grade school. My grandma and grandpa used to take my brother, sister and me to Park Plaza Mall in Oshkosh to see Santa Claus. When we entered the mall, we were greeted by the awesome Christmas decorations, Santa’s helpers and the best thing ever; a train for kids that took you around the whole thing. Looking back, it was larger than life. I was so excited every time we went, even though as the years passed and I got older, it didn’t seem as cool as the first year. The best part of it all, however, was being there with my Grandpa. He was like a kid with us, always having so much fun watching us experience all the joys of Christmas. He’s been gone for over ten years now, and every memory I have of him is like a little treasure that I cherish.

  3. My favorite Christmas memory is when me and my mom and dad had a party with our neighbors. We also went to are cousins when me and my mom and dad were together that was the best christmas present i would ever ask for. Is I wish my mom and dad would get married again and not divorced it makes me happy when I see them together.
    When we went to minneapolis I got to see my cousins for christmas so that was fun.
    I hope every one has a very merry christmas.

  4. When I was in First grade, I went to my grandparents house on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile, I was forced to go out for a drive and see Christmas decorations on peoples houses. but when I got back to the house, I saw that Santa already came while we saw decoration. That was probably my only christmas memory.

  5. The best christmas Memory is when i got what i wanted. first we went to my aunt's house for christmas. Then we ate and sat around and talked. after that we open presents Then i got some sweat pants and 200 of best buy gift card. then with that money i went and bought a xbox one.
