Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treat!!

Should there be an age limit for trick or treating?  Answer in the following format:  TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, Closer


  1. TS:An age limit on Halloween has 2 rules.

    SD:The first rule should be 13 or over is no.

    Elab:I think the age limit should honestly be 13 or over because it's kinda silly for a teenager to walk up to a door and saying trick or treat.

    SD: The second rule should be the amount of candy they take.

    Elab:When it comes to certain teenager, when bowls are left out teenagers tend to take more than their fair share. Usually a handful or the whole bowl, which leaves little to no candy for little kids.

    Close: This is why I think there should be a age limit on Halloween.

  2. TS: I think there should be an age limit to trick or treating and here are my reasons why.

    SD: The first reason is because trick or treating is more of a kids thing.

    Elab: If there is a 90 year old trick or treating that would just creep kids out.

    SD: The second reason is because that the older you get, the more weak your metabolism gets.

    Elab: Your metabolism is how you digest food and it will be very unhealthy to eat lots of free candy.

    SD: The final reason is because if there were adults trick or treating there would be nobody handing out candy.

    Elab: If there was nobody handing out candy there would be no Halloween.

    Closer: that is why there should be an age limit to trick or treating.

  3. Should There Be A Age Limit For trick Or Treating?
    By: Alissa DuHon

    T.S. There are simply two reasons why there shouldn’t be a age limit.
    S.D. The first reason is, what if there special needs.
    Elab. If they’re special needs how can the people taking care of them explain theres a age limit so you can’t go trick or treating, that would be sad.
    S.D. The second reason is you can get a bunch more candy.
    Elab. You can get a lot more candy with the whole family and friends, even your grandma and grandpa.
    Closer. That is why I believe there shouldn’t be a age limit for trick or treating.

  4. Should There Be An Age Limit To Trick Or Treating
    By: Morgan Nett

    TS: There are only 2 reasons why there shouldn’t be an age limit for trick or treating.

    SD: The 1st reason why there shouldn’t be an age limit is that everybody has the right to go trick or treating.

    ELAB: They have the right to go trick or treating because everybody wants to hang with their family.

    SD: The 2nd reason why there shouldn’t be an age limit is that you can get a lot of candy.

    ELAB: You get a lot of candy because you can hang with your family.

    CLOSER: That is why there shouldn’t be an age limit.

  5. TS There are two reasons why there should be a limit age for trick or treating.
    SD The first rule is 15 and over should not go trick or treating.
    Elab 15 and older teenagers is weird because you say trick or treat.
    SD The second rule is people won’t give you candy.
    Elab They won’t give you candy because you are to old.
    Closer No matter what your age is you can have a fun halloween
    but if you're 15 and over just hand out candy.

  6. ts The trick or treat should be for anyone that dress up they have fun with kids.

    SD Trick or treating is the fun of the scares.

    elab The fun scares are the best when you see your mom or dad get scared of haunted houses it a blast .

    SD The parents are able to go with all the stress they can have a good time geting candy because.

    elab This way everyone has fun of all ages .

    closer This holiday is fun to scare and have fun with parents and kids.

  7. I think that there should not be an age limit for halloween.
    for my first reason why is that everyone should have a choice to have fun be scared and of course collect candy. so it shouldn't matter what age you are. my second reason is that all people mature and a different rate. so it wouldn't be fair to put an age limit on it.
    and those are my reasons why we shouldn't have an age limit on halloween
