Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chapter 11 Summary

Write a Six-Sentence summary for chapter 11.


  1. Chapter 11 takes place at the club room. At the club room, Alfred goes to a party with alcohol and drugs. During the party he dances with a girl named Arlene. At the party he drank and almost smoked pot. Later at the party, James shows up all messed up. When James was at the party, he was ignoring Alfred in a way and Alfred finds out that James is going into drugs.

  2. Chapter 11 begins with Alfred going to the clubroom where Major is there waiting for him and being nice. Major offers Alfred some alcohol but Alfred denies it. Major’s girlfriend shows him her cousin Arlene, she asks Alfred to dance. While there dancing Major tries to offer him stuff like vodka, wine,Marijuana and a orange soaked in alcohol. Alfred refuses all that stuff except the orange but he doesn’t know it’s soaked in Alcohol. He gets a little dipsy from the Alcohol and gets punched in the stomach by someone. He goes outside to catch his breath and goes back downstairs to find Major and most of the people at the party passed out. Major gets up and tells Alfred that James will be there in a bit, when James finally shows up Alfred tries to explain that he didn’t know about the alarm. He also asked him if he had any hard feelings, James said that he doesn’t have hard feelings talking. Alfred notices that James had yellow teeth and kinda looked like crap. Major hauls out a bag filled with white powder and gives it to James. Alfred tells James that doing that stuff is wrong. James opens the bag of white powder which is undeniably cocaine and ignores Alfred.

  3. CH 11 starts off going into the club room and Major greeting him. Then June came out of the darkness and took Alfred to her cousin Arlene. Arlene want to dance want to dance. He dance and saw passing the bottle around and weed. Then Major pulled Alfred aside and hears your man James. Then James and Sunny pull out a white powder (coke).

  4. Chapter 11 begins with Alfred going to the clubroom and meeting Major there.
    Then Majors girlfriend June said to Alfred I want you to meet someone.
    Then Alfred meet Junes cousin Arlene who is a hooker and a alcoholic. Then Major forced Alfred to drink vodka.
    James was not being really nice to Alfred he called Go way Unca Alfid. James was snarling at Alfred. Hollis pulled a packet of white powder and James is doing the drugs.

  5. Chapter eleven starts out with Alfred going to Major’s club room in there basement. once in the club Major insisted to have a drink. but when Alfred said that he doesn't want a drink because he was still in training. so Major tricked Alfred into having a orange, but it wasn't your average orange, it was soaked in vodka. after being drugged by Major and hollis he passed out befor being able to tell James not to do cocaine.

  6. Chapter 11 begins with Alfred walking in the clubroom because Major told Alfred that James would be there. When Alfred was dancing with Arlene, Major held a bottle of wine against his chest, but that didn’t work, so Major got a bottle of orange soaked in vodka and gave Alfred a drink. Someone passed a cigarette and Arlene gave Alfred a cigarette but he said no, but she told him that it was good for him. James came along and he was wasted. They pulled out a white powder and James opened the white powder and Alfred came and he passed out. James went back to his white powder.

  7. In chapter 11 started out with Alfred going to the clubroom because he was told James would be there. While Alfred was dancing with Arlene Major kept pushing a wine bottle against his chest and since that wouldn’t work he got a a orange soaked in vodka and got Alfred to eat the orange. Alfred started to get dizzy so he and Arlene sat down and they started passing a cigarette around and it was filled with marijuana and Arlene pressured him into inhaling it. After that Major showed Alfred to James and Alfred and James were talking about the alarm. Eventually Major told James Hollis had his stuff and she pulled a white powder substance out of her pocket and gave it to James. Eventually Alfred was too intoxicated and he hit the floor from passing out, then James went back to his white powder.
