Write a cohesive essay in response to the following writing prompt:
You are on your way
home from school when you see a group of large boys pushing around a classmate
of yours. They are calling your
classmate the “N” word and knocking his books onto the ground. The classmate asks the group of boys to stop,
but they just laugh and continue to make racist remarks. You feel you should do something because
their words and actions are wrong, and if ignored could lead to more serious
Explain how you would solve the problem in a way that you think will
help your classmate without putting yourself in too much danger. Be specific in explaining the actions you
would take.
The paragraph should include at least one sentence with the
Your or
its or
there or
their or they’re
Dialouge (Quotes)
A coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
An interrupter (sentence w/ 2 commas)
A semicolon
ReplyDeleteIf I was the bystander in this kind of situation obviously I would do something to stop the impertinent and derogatory remarks.
I would first try to start off simple by trying break it up by telling them to leave him alone,obviously they aren’t going to stop if they enjoy doing it so they would probably tell me to shove off. I would then try to get the African American away from the guys by grabbing his arm or something and walking away from the racists. If the racist guys would follow us or try to stop me, I would then go into more extreme measures and shove them away or tell them to leave us alone. These kind of situations can be a bit unpredictable the guys would either leaves us alone which wouldn’t cause any kind of problem, or they would try and get physical and try to hurt me, the African American, or both of us. In that situation my survival instincts would kick in and I would probably fight if someone I was helping/a friend or me was getting hurt. Now it also depends on the size of the group of people that I would be fighting, if it was 2-4 people I would still fight even if know I won’t win. Because I learned if you fight back it tells the bullies that you won’t put up their crap and they will most likely leave you alone. Now if the group is 5 people or above I would probably just take the African Americans arm and just book it because that would be an Emergency Room trip if they all ganged up on me.
Because as the famous quote by “Martin Luther King Jr” goes
“If You Can’t Fly Then Run. If You Can’t Run Then Walk. If You Can’t Walk Then Crawl. But Whatever You Do You Have To Keep Moving Forward.”
That means you do whatever you have to do to survive, to push forward, to overcome the obstacles of life. If some throws rocks at you you’re going to either build a wall to block your path or you’re going to build a bridge to keep moving. Because in the end it’s not about what you have, in the end it’s all about where you want to go, and the roads you take to help you get there.
How those quotes relates to the conflict is because you don’t ever stop if someone is getting bullied, you keep pushing forward until the bullies have stopped harassing the person in which they like to harass. This is what I would do if I encountered a kid getting racist comments towards him for being what God wanted him to be.
I would personally run over and stand right in front of my classmate, with a firm footing and confident appearance on my face, and tell the boys “ You’re being a bunch of bullies,” and I would continue to stand in front of my classmate and explain to the boys “ I personally don’t like the way you’re treating my friend here. I think you should treat him with respect because one day he could be your boss or maybe even something bigger. Do you really want to look back as an adult and remember all the kids you bullied? This type of behavior, it’s just unacceptable; however if you ever lay a hand or make inappropriate remarks to my friend here we will go to the authorities and there will be a consequence for all of your actions.” After that I would my classmate he’s safe and to come with me to the principal's office or something.
ReplyDeleteBrandon F
ReplyDeleteWell if I was on my way home and i saw a black kid getting pushed around and called the ¨N¨ word. I just wouldn't be able to just leave him there. For two reasons, my first one would be my conscience would eat at me for the rest of my life, and I dont want to find out a young black boy died because I was too much of a wuss to help. So in order to help the boy and avoid my getting myself killed in the process. I would talk a few pictures of the group of kids hurting the boy. Then I would take some pictures of the bigger kids car and license plate. Then take a video of the crime that was happening I would then approach the group of boys and say to them ¨hey leave that boy alone other ways I will send all the pics and video of all of you beating the crap of him. Then ill send the picture of the licence plate to the car you took here. So now all of you have to make one of three choices right now the first one is leave right now and never let me see you bully one of my friends ever again. Or so help you god that judge is nice to you in court. Or you can charge me right now and i will send all this fun stuff to the police stations tip line, or you can resume what you have been doing and the same thing will happen.¨
I think i would yell something at them to “leave Him alone”. They heard me and look over and, went on moving him in the corner and, Then they’re taking hits to this kid. Then i would fast walk over there to pull them off of him. Then pull the kid to his feet and tell him to grab his stuff and run. Tomorrow we will talk to the office; we will see if they can do anything for you. It’s going to be better to tell them this.
ReplyDeleteAs I was riding home on my bike from school I saw a group of boys at a park over there pushing around a classmate and calling him the N word. “Stop it,” the classmate said. “No we are not going to stop,” one of the boys said. The classmate started to cry. “Stop it,” the classmate roared. As I heard the classmate crying I jumped off my bike and headed straight for the crowd. When I got to the crowd I stopped for a second. I straightened myself, and I walked through the crowd confident.
ReplyDelete“Stop this whole pushing thing and the name calling,” I said. “You’re hurting this person’s feelings,” I said with a confident voice. “You’re making him feel bad about himself,” I said with a polite voice. “
“Why should we stop?” asked one of the bullies with a mean look on his face. “How would you feel if someone called you the N word and started pushing you around,” I said. “ We would say stop it to the bully,” said one of the boys. The classmate, feeling more confident, stopped crying. Some people don’t bully others; others do bully.
All the boys actually stopped calling the classmate by the N word, and even stopped pushing him around. So the boys left and the crowd cheered and everyone went home.
Adam L
ReplyDeleteIf I was walking home from school one day, minding my own business, seeing a bunch of muscular boys picking on a black kid while saying the “N” word and physically abusing him. I would see that a boy needs help and I am the only other person around that can stop the madness going on. By helping him I would pull out my cell phone, dial three simple numbers; 911 so soon the fat looking nobody's would meet their doom as I pull out my phone for quite a conversation with a 911 dispatcher.
“This is 911 emergency,” The dispatcher exclaimed “This is Lars, what is your emergency?”
“Hi” I replied, “I need the police to come at the intersection to come at the intersection of Hetfield Drive and Burton Road.”
“Okay” Lars asked “What is happening there?”
“Some boys are physically abusing another kid” I replied.
“Okay” Lars said, “The cops are on the way.”
“Thanks” I said.
When the sirens were heard by the fatties, they ran for their their lives but before they could get away, I would pull out my iPod, crank up the Metal and use the secret weapon to stop them because everyone knows that is music they can’t stand. Meanwhile the cops would pull up.
“You’re under arrest for physical abuse” Chief Newsted would yell through his bull horn with its loud sound.
While the other cops would put handcuffs on the fat looking people. I would comfort the other boy and make sure he gets home safely, For the fat looking people would realize that crime doesn't pay.
As I was riding my bike home from school I saw a group of boys at a park over there pushing a kid around and calling him the N word. I said stop it you jerks stop being mean to my friend and he cried. I said again stop it or I will tell the teacher on you guys. they were still pushing and shoving him around so I went and got the teacher and he took care of it. And then I just sat there and watched the bullies get punished and they all went home and didn't fight again.