Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Character Comparison - Independent Book

Compare yourself to a main character.

  • Point out your similarities and try to account for differences between you an him/her.  
  • Considering what you have discovered, what is your reaction to this character?  Why?  
  • How do you think the character would feel about you?


  1. Me and Leo Caraway, who is the protagonist, have similarities and differences. Some similarities are the we are high school students, we both like rock music and we are both conservative (Republican). Some Differences are that Leo is more of a Punk Rock fan but I am more of a Metalhead, His biological Father is a famous rock musician but my father is a radio station salesman.

    I think that Leo is a good character that relates to me but he is too much of a political nerd. I think that because he mainly talks about how he is Republican and how he agrees with everything they do and it just sounds so geeky but he does have a good taste in music.

    I think he would see me as a pretty decent guy since he is the President of the Young Republicans Club, He would love my political views as a Republican since he is such a geeky Conservative.

    That is the comparison of me and Leo Caraway of Born to Rock.

  2. I compare myself to Maybe because she stays with her friends on the streets, and so do I when I am with them. Maybe is a nice person like me because she tries to get her friends out of the streets. I am a nice person because I help other people when they need it. Maybe and I are different from each other because I am shy and when I talk to people and I don’t know why. Maybe seems outgoing in some ways and she lives on the streets with her friends and I live in a house with a nice comfortable place to sleep and keep warm.

    I think Maybe is a nice person and she smokes with her friends. She probably smokes because her friends do it, and she probably is depressed and helpless. She seems like a sister to all of her friends because she is always there with her friends. Maybe feels like a family to her friends because she and her friends sometimes stick together and always there for her when she needs it the most. I feel bad for her that she is living on the streets and not in a nice house because living on the streets would be rough and you wouldn’t know what to do then with yourself or anything else.

    Maybe would think of me as a nice person because I am nice to people, and help other people out when they need it. She would think of me as a sweet innocent person and a nice friend to her. She would think that I would tell her to stop smoking.


  3. In the book “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” The main character Eric is a senior in Highschool who is a bit of a bigger kid who is I guess you could say antisocial due to him being a bigger person. Eric is also a bit of a pacifist meaning he doesn’t like to get involved in conflict/drama and will do a lot of things to avoid it, even if it means taking a punch to the face. This is comparable to me because I am also a pacifist, I absolutely hate getting involved in drama or some form of conflict because I get very upset and it makes me feel kind of depressed(depending on what it’s all about). Another things that me and Eric have in common is how we react when somethings bad is said about me,my friends and my family. Eric reacts by acting angry,tough,strong, and trying to get them to back off without getting physical with the person. I react somewhat in the same way I try to act strong so that it seems like I’m on par with the person that I’m confronting with my problem or sticking up for someone or myself. To try and show them that I’m not scared of them, even if there is a big difference in the power scale. So to put in short terms, Eric and I put on the tough guy act to try and avoid conflict, which does work most of the time for the both of us. Plus where both pacifist so that’s another reason we put on the act.

    There are differences though between me and Eric, for one how are friends are. Eric doesn't have any friends except for Sarah Byrnes who is kind of a wreck with no mother and a abusive father. I have at least 10+ friends and only one of them is somewhat like Sarah, but even then he is not in a mental hospital and has crappy parents. He’s just got a crazy/I don’t care what I do or what you think of me, kind of persona. Another difference is how we deal with conflicts, we may be both pacifists but conflicts are unavoidable sometimes. Eric handles it by questioning how and what started it and trying to handle the problem on his own. I try to ignore as much as possible and If I can’t I try to find the source of the problem and try to cut it off there(deal with it there) usually with help though.

    My reaction to the character... I like the character, he handle problems particularly well and does a good job and solving and handling information or conflicts. Like trying to find out what really happened to Sarah Byrnes and finding out where her mom went to.

    I honestly think that Eric would probably think the same thing about me because I can handle a situation quite well and can usually either avoid or solve the conflict without having to get physical or cause anyone including myself to get hurt, whether it be physical or emotional. So that’s what I think he would think of me.
    This is how I think me and Eric can compare and contrast in a lot of ways and what we could possibly think of each other.

  4. How i relate to Brendon is when i dont give a case a rest. Brendon does not give the case up about the jocks and how they pick on him and wants to blow his kneecaps out. How i relate to when i'm in a debate with my brother he end up giving up and giving my stuff back. Then sometimes my brother gets really mad and he doesn’t give it back and we fight about it. Then i want to kill him, not literaly, but I make him give me it back.

    My reaction to Brendon is why dose bredon want to go on a rampage and kill all the jocks that pick on him.Because he wants to kill everyone who pick on him with a slow painful death. This shows me Brendon is brutal and has issues and he has bad coping skills.

    How Berdon would feel about me. This is how berdon would react to me is when he open up i think he would be creepy because he talking about killing people and blowing off kneecaps

  5. Me and the protagonist, her name has not been shared, are similar because we both are realistic. We both think deep about things, like we don’t say anything, do anything, or talk about anything without thinking twice or more. We both are in our own worlds, different times and different places. Another thing thats similar about us is we both act older than our age and we aren’t afraid to be adventurous. We have some differences between each other like the way we talk, things we do during our spare time, the way we dress, but we both had our fathers leave but she doesn’t know a number for him, a location or even a email. My reaction to this character is just plain at the moment, I admire her intelligence and love to read but otherwise she’s had a great relationship with Neeka ever since they were toddlers and now she’s great friends with D Foster as well. I think if the character knew my whole life story so far she’d be surprised and she’d probably be inspired, at least thats what people tell me, by what I’ve been through and what I do.

  6. I am like Maya because she is getting picked on by her best friends. Another similarities is when she was trying to be nice and invite one of them to come and go to Six Flags. I am different to Maya in a way because is younger than me and is more popular than me. and bring one of them with her but they all had plans already and went to Darcy's party.
    The reaction to Maya is she was surprised when she heard the news of they didn't invite her to the party it was Darcy's party anyway so that was her decision to make because it is her party.
    I think Maya would feel and would be friends with me because I am a very and sociable person to get to know. I also have a really a good friendship with everyone I meet and get to know.

  7. Well first off a similarity i've got to say between me and Brendan is that we both can be very hard headed. Also me and Brendan have something else in common.Like if we believe in something deeply there is nothing you can say or do to change our mind about our opinion.That applies especially to my political point of views.I could debate in great detail about our political beliefs. Something we don't have in common is that i know how to deal with my anger. On the other hand brendan dose to but he breaks about 30 laws in the process.

    What my first reaction to this character was that me and him can have anything in common. For one the reason why i thought that way was because i'm not really the type to walk into a school dance and start shooting up the place. But as i dug deeper i noticed that me and him have more in common than i thought.

    Im not really sure what brendan would think of me. Because he is really a big bucket of very strong emotion. I also feel that i would never be able to meet him for two reasons. For one he doesn't exist and for to if he would have existed he would be dead or in jail and those are to circumstance i would not like to meet him under.
