Friday, February 1, 2013

MARS-1 Application

After watching the video and looking over the qualifications- answer this question: Why would you be a great candidate for a mission to Mars?  Use this format:  TS, SD, Elab, SD, Elab, Closer


  1. I think l would be a great candidate for mars-1. I have good people skills. I think that because I joke around alot. I get along with people good and I handle situation calmly. I trust people the same. I trust because they haven’t done anything yet to not make me trust them. I will also try my best not to let them down on mars. Those are some reason why you should choose me out of all the people applying for the mars-1 mission.

  2. TS: I would be a great candidate for mars-1

    SD: One reason why I would be a great candidate for Mars-1 is that I have good trust.

    ELAB: I have good trust because I have trust in others to have my back. I also have trust in myself to get the jobs done when needed to.

    SD: Another reason why I would be a great candidate for Mars-1 is that I have Curiosity and Adaptability.

    ELAB: I have good Curiosity and because I ask question to understands how to do the job right.I will also be able to transfer knowledge to others who arrived to Mars. I also have great Adaptability because I may able to new environments.

    CLOSER: So these are all the good reason why i would make a good candidate for the Mars-1 mission.

  3. TS: I would be a great candidate for Mars 1.
    SD: The first reasons why you should choose me is that my trust is build upon good judgment.
    ELAB: I do trust a lot of people because all I want to do is for all of us to be friend and live happily. I will trust a lot of people but if they don't even trust me then I won't trust them.
    SD: The second reasons why you should choose me is that I have a Can do attitude.
    ELAB: I have a good attitude I am always nice to people and i won’t care if i go to mars or not. the only why I won’t get a good attitude is if they are not nice to me.
    CLOSER: These are the reasons why you should chose me to go to Mars 1.

  4. If I got chosen to be a part of mars-one, i think I would have some good qualification’s. One of them would be that I am best when things are the worst, like when something happens, I try to make the best of the situation.
    Another good qualification that i have is that I am a person that people can trust. If someone needs me to do something for them, i make sure I get it done.
    That is why I think I would be a good candidate for Mars-one.

  5. Ts I would be a good candidate to go the Mars-One.
    SD The first reason I would be good for the mission is my Adaptability.
    ELAB I would be good for adaptability because I would get use to the surroundings quickly. Also that I would get use to the fact that it is in space.
    SD The second reason why I would be good for the mission is The Ability to Trust.
    ELAB I have The Ability to trust because the People will See that I would be a good candidate for the mission. Also that I would be Able to Trust other people in the mission.
    CLOSER This is Why I would be a good candidate to the mission Mars-One.

  6. TS I would be a good candidate for mars.
    SD I would be a good candidate for mars cause I'm willing to try something new.
    Elab me willing to try something new would help because. no one has ever been to mars and since you would be one of the few people ever being able to be there. you would have to adapt to the surroundings and the environment in general.
    SD I would be a good candidate to mars cause i can stay active and get along with people.
    Elab being able to get along with people and stay active would be important because. If there is four people you have to live with and you wanna make a civilization. You wanna have a good workforce. Along with you being able to communicate. And not having to fight over every decision people make.
    Closer all I’m trying to say is I would be well certified to go to mars and create a civilization which I briefly describe in the following.
